Sunday 11 December 2016

'Evergreen Magnolia Grandiflora'

Magnolia Plant.
Magnolia grandiflora is an evergreen plant that grows in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Some magnolia trees contain  strong barrel with a smooth bark and can reach 30 meters in height. . 
Magnolia has unique essential oil, rutin, flavonoid glycosides, as well as a number of special alkaloids. The beneficial properties of this plant have long been used for health purposes. Tincture of magnolia flowers recommended in folk medicine as a safe prophylactic agent for high blood pressure and anti- asthma. Exceptional antiseptic properties of magnolia are that it helps in the fight to destroy the bacteria that cause the development of caries. Magnolia began to be widely used in folk medicine, not so long ago, compared with other herbs, but over the centuries it has worked well in the fight against many diseases. A more detailed study of these medicinal bushes was found many useful substances, causing its medicinal properties.
Leaves of plants rich in essential oils, glycosides, various minerals. Present them as rutin and alkaloids such as the magnolia and magnolamin. Essential oils are also detected in the flowers of the plant. Its fruits are also very appreciated for the high content of fatty oil consisting of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids: peanut, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, myristic. The crust has many magnoflorina, isolated from the roots of nutrients. 
For therapeutic purposes, collect leaves, flowers, and bark of the tree. This plant is widely used in pharmacology; the different parts are part of many tonic, stimulating and restorative medical devices. The drugs based on it are able to cut pain in the heart area and slow the heart rate. Furthermore, they cut the pressure, which in turn leads to improvement of a general condition of the organism.

 Magnolia grandiflora flowers 
Traditional medicine of many countries of the world celebrates the infusion of the leaves of magnolia Grandiflora as an effective antihypertensive agent, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of a man. Among other things, the use of such infusion would be useful in the early stages of hypertension. Chinese healers have long used the tree bark in the treatment of gastritis, myasthenia gravis, spastic colitis and labor problems. This plant has a good antiseptic and can kill germs that cause tooth decay, reliably protecting the mouth of inflammation. Infusions of medicinal plants back in the old days are recommended for the prevention of asthma, blood pressure normalization and elimination of rheumatic pains. They are also used as an antipyretic agent for fever.

Saturday 10 December 2016


Terminalia Mantaly Combretaceae plant comes from the island of Sumatra(Island in Indonesia) its common name is Madagascar Almond and looks like an umbrella tree. Mantaly trees are also found in other parts of South and Southeast Asia. The name of the Terminalia comes from the 'Latin' . Terminalia Mantaly inflorescence up to 10 to 20 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width. Terminalia is an evergreen tree in humid areas.

It consists of a long cob (providing palm flower colors in the world championship height). The shelter of the tree grows in layers like being cut. Mantaly trees harvest for the local use as a medicine and source of tannins.

This amazing plant is grown in botanical gardens all around the world. Mantaly became famous in the USA after it was shown in the animated series "The Simpsons": flower allegedly poisoned poisonous fumes the whole town of Springfield. When this strange flower bloomed in 2005 at the University of Madison (USA), people stood in long lines to see it. Public interest in the flower was so high that the botanical garden established a hotline with records updated status information. Souvenir depicting a flower then were sold for a total amount of 50 thousand dollars.

Cycas Circinalis Linn (Queen sago palm)

Cycas Circinalis Linn
The Cycas Circinalis Linn plant is also called Queen Sago palm. Its trunk achieves 8 meters in distance across at a height of 20 meters. Cycas plant is considered as a solution of health  and for all disease. 
Cycas plants utilized as a part of  the prescription, makeup, cooking and different businesses.With the medical purpose fruit, leaves and bark of the plant are very useful.  Its fruit pulp contains natural fibers of fiber, which ensure the normal functioning of the intestine. The pulp of the Cycas Circinalis Linn - excellent prebiotic to restore healthy intestinal micro flora. 
Cycas plant contains a significant amount of calcium mineral. The Cycas Circinalis Linn fruit has a high concentration of potassium, 5 times more than bananas, sweet potato or tomato paste. The use of fruit pulp in a food can reduce the risk of diseases of the heart system. The prebiotic inulin in the composition of the Cycas Circinalis Linn tree has beneficial effects on intestinal flora and restores the necessary balance, normalizes the work of digestive organs and control hormones. Essential oil of Cycas Circinalis Linn is used not only in cosmetics, it is effective for various skin irritations, helps in wound healing and restoration of skin cells.

Queen sago palm
The fruits and leaves are used for the preparation of medicinal infusions, the beneficial properties of the plant are proven scientific research in medicine. The pulp of the Cycas Circinalis Linn used to treat chicken pox and measles, for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and diabetes and oncology therapies. The powder from the bark of the tree - a good antiseptic, used for wound healing.

Cycas Circinalis Linn for local residents - a real pharmacy. The unique composition of leaves, fruits, bark allows the use of a plant for the treatment of many common diseases. The typical food of the African population considered to flour products. Due to the lack of dairy products and milk, there are disorders of the digestive area, outbreaks of dysentery, diarrhea. Drinks from the fruit pulp solve these problems .The juice of leaves  are useful for treatments and it also contains acids and vitamins in it that can restore the liquid level in the body.
Cycas Circinalis Linn oil has the ability to intensively moisturize any type of skin. Another advantage of this plant that it has the ability to heal sunburn skin, take a variety of skin irritation and dryness, remove aging wrinkles from the skin, correct elliptical face, make the even tone of the skin, contribute to the restoration of blemishes and scars.
Tannin an important component of the composition of the plant, which also normalizes the stomach area. 

Friday 9 December 2016

Ficus Elastica (Rubber Tree)

Ficus Elastic is evergreen, and shiny plant, which is also called Rubber plant. Ficus elastic is natural comes from the Himalayas to Malaysia, Sumatra, and Java. It is an evergreen plant or tree that may grow 50 to 100’ tall in its natural environment. Ficus is very popular houseplant that usually grows to 2-10’ tall. Ficus is famous for its thick, leathery, shiny, dark green leaves. Milky latex from these trees was used to make a lesser rubber in the early 1900s. It is grown as an attractive tree in all humid regions and is a very popular indoor plant all over the world.

A latex is obtained from the bark of the stem and branches of Ficus tree. Latex is used to make tires, rubber components for cars and machines and consumer products such as footwear, sport, goods, toys, and gloves. The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine, and source of latex. Medicines that are based on it are used for healing wounds, infections,and cuts. It is also used in the treatment of parasitic worms. Ficus Elastica was first discovered by the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec people. They used the latex to make rubber balls, raincoats and their shoes and shoe soles.Dr. Wolver ton ranks the Ficus plant as one of the best houseplants to clean the air. About 50,000 products are produced that used daily worldwide  from ficus  plant. 7 million tons of artificial rubber used to make products and 4 million tons natural rubber  used every year.


Salicaceae has two genera in the familySalix (willows), and Populus (poplars).
Salix (willows) tree have almost 300 types  and Populus(poplars) have 40 types. 

Salicaceae are found in the pleasant parts of the world, with the majority of its types occurring in the north. Both willows and poplars have a strong attraction for water and are commonly found near lakes and along rivers

Salicaceae plants do not require a heat in the tropics. The temperature should vary between 12-24 ° C. In summer the room temperature recommended for Salicaceae plant. In winter the temperature should not be lower than 12-16 ° C.
Salicaceae grows well in diffused light, even in partial shade. Houseplant can be protected from direct sunlight. Multi-colored forms Salicaceae require more intense lighting.
From spring to late autumn watering should be regular for these plants. Water for irrigation Saliccaceae needs to settle and take a little warm.
In addition to watering Salicaceae need to spray twice a day - morning and evening, and the leaves of the plant can be cleaned with a damp cloth. The surface of the poles that are used as backups also sprayed.
The members of this family have variable amounts of the simple phenol glycosides populin, salicin, and methyl salicylate from which the common aspirin was firstly derived. It stems is used to make some small objects. The stem grows very fast but normally of poor quality as timber.
Similar to aspirin, the willow family is used for fevers, headaches, arthritis and other inflammations, particularly in the urinary area. Unluckily, the presence of tannic acid in the bark makes it difficult to eat enough salicin to move a common headache. A strong tea of the leaves might prove more effective, without the bad flavor. A strip of the bark can be tied over a cut to serve as a Band-Aid and as an astringent-antiseptic.